Aboriginal Health Worker Jobs

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Aboriginal Health Worker (KRHC)  

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services - 6743 Kununurra, WA, AU

The incidence of Kidney Disease in the Kimberley is one of the highest in Australia. Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) and End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) incidence within the Aboriginal population of the Kimberley...

from: careerone.com.au - Yesterday

Aboriginal Health Worker - Urbenville  

Northern NSW Local Health District - Urbenville, Urbenville Rural Hospital | Far North Coast

This is an Identified Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Position. Applicants for this position must be of Aboriginal descent through parentage, identification as being Aboriginal and being accepted in...

from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - Today

Aboriginal Health Workers & Practitioner  

Geo Healthcare - 3212 Lara, VIC, AU (+2 locations)

The position functions within a multidisciplinary team and is required to refer, communicate, and collaborate with other health professionals to advocate for the cultural and health needs of Aboriginal...

from: careerone.com.au - 8 days ago

Aboriginal Health Worker - Out of Home Care - Temp FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Ingleburn, Ingleburn Community Health Centre | Western Sydney

The Aboriginal Health Worker will work closely with the multidisciplinary team to provide culturally responsive assessment, care planning and support coordination. The Aboriginal Health Worker will also... $1,198.03 - $1,731.68 per week

from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - Today

Aboriginal Health Worker - Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Service  

Western NSW Local Health District - Dubbo, Dubbo Health Service | Orana

The Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Service (AMIHS) aims to improve the health and wellbeing of mothers and aboriginal babies. AMIHS (Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Service) is a community based midwifery... $ 62,512.00 - $ 90,357.00 pa

from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - Today

Aboriginal Health Worker - Geo Healthcare  

Geo Healthcare - 3352 Langi Kal Kal, VIC, AU (+3 locations)

The position functions within a multidisciplinary team and is required to refer, communicate, and collaborate with other health professionals to advocate for the cultural and health needs of Aboriginal...

from: careerone.com.au - 8 days ago

Aboriginal Health Worker - Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Services  

Hunter New England Local Health District - Quirindi, Quirindi Community Health Service | New England / North West

This is a position identified for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people on the basis of a genuine occupational qualification under section 14(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Aboriginal or...

from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - Today

Aboriginal Immunisation Health Worker  

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Randwick, Prince of Wales Hospital | Sydney

PaCH's services are provided at the District's hospitals, community-based facilities including child and family health centres, community health centres and specialist clinics. We work with other service... $31.53 - $45.57 per hour plus Superannuation

from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - Today

Aboriginal Health Worker  

St Vincent's Hospital Sydney - Sydney CBD, NSW, AU

Centres of excellence include heart & lung transplantation, bone marrow transplantation, cardiology, cancer care, AIDS/HIV, respiratory medicine, mental health, homeless health, drug & alcohol services...

from: careerone.com.au - 9 days ago

Senior or Principal Aboriginal Mental Health Worker - Temp FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Campbelltown, Macarthur Mental Health Centre | Western Sydney

The successful candidate will be working primarily within the Adult Community Mental Health Teams at Macarthur. There would also be potential opportunities to work with families of Children and Adolescents... Aboriginal Health Worker Principal $1,914.57 - $1,994.26 per week

from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - Today

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Aboriginal Health Worker