Specialist Community Mental Health Jobs in Blackburn

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Associate Nurse Unit Manager - Surgical  

Eastern Health - 3130 Blackburn, VIC, AU

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health...

from: careerone.com.au - Yesterday

Specialist Anaesthetist  

Eastern Health - 3130 Blackburn, VIC, AU

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health...

from: careerone.com.au - 4 days ago

Consultant Psychiatrist  

Sante Recruitment on behalf of Sante by Ramberg Recruitment - Melbourne VIC

This is is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. They provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health,...

from: jora.com - 25 days ago

Mental Health Clinician  

Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services and have a proud history of serving a diverse community...

from: careerone.com.au - 9 days ago

Senior Mental Health Clinician - Infant & Child Core Community Mental Health Team, ELMHS  

Monash Health - 3168 Clayton, VIC, AU

Monash Health is Victoria’s largest and most comprehensive health service. For more than 170 years, Monash Health and its predecessors have provided safe, high-quality healthcare and service for people...

from: careerone.com.au - 3 days ago

Clinical Nurse Educator (Mental Health)  

Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health...

from: careerone.com.au - 2 days ago

2025 Emergency Medicine Hospital Medical Officer  

Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health...

from: careerone.com.au - 4 days ago

2025 General Hospital Medical Officer (HMO3+)  

Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical, and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health...

from: careerone.com.au - 4 days ago

2025 Surgical Hospital Medical Officer (HMO3+)  

Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical, and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health...

from: careerone.com.au - 4 days ago

Administrative Officer - Adult Mental Health, Dandenong Hospital  

Monash Health - 3175 Dandenong, VIC, AU

Monash Health is Victoria’s largest and most comprehensive health service. For more than 170 years, Monash Health and its predecessors have provided safe, high-quality healthcare and service for people...

from: careerone.com.au - Yesterday

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