Officer Hospital Jobs in Blacktown

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Admission Officer (Admin Off Lvl 2) - Liverpool Hospital - Perm/Temp FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) project will provide enhanced facilities and an increased capacity to meet... $64,046.06 - $66,170.25 per annum

from: - Yesterday

Project Officer  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Stepping Up aims to assist Aboriginal job applicants by providing information about applying for roles in NSW Health organisations. For more information, please visit:

from: - 15 days ago

Quinquennial Visiting Medical Officer - Transplant Surgery - Westmead Hospital | APPLY VIA ECREDENTIAL  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Applicants must provide evidence of a Working with Children Check issued by the Office of Communities Commission for Children and Young People. For more information on how to apply for the clearance, please...

from: - 15 days ago

Resident Medical Officer (Nepean Hospital, Blue Mountains Hospital, Hawkesbury Hospital)  

Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District - Kingswood, Nepean Hospital | Western Sydney

Hawkesbury District Hospital is a teaching hospital in Windsor, providing acute, community and allied health services for the local community and surrounding districts. Residents can join rotations in... $89,095 - $120,489

from: - 8 days ago

Ward Clerk (Administrative Officer Level 2) - Renal Medicine and Dialysis Unit - RPAH  

Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney

This is a Category A position. To be employed by NSW Health you are required to provide evidence of vaccination to comply with the NSW Health Occupational Assessment, Screening & Vaccination against Specified... $64,046 - $66,170 per annum + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation

from: - Yesterday

NSLHD - Visiting Medical Officer - Respiratory and Sleep Medicine - Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital (Apply via eCredential)  

Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney

The position will provide clinical consultation services within NSLHD and will contribute to the teaching and training of medical students, graduates and other health care professionals and to research...

from: - Yesterday

Technical Assistant (Gde 2) - Emergency Department - Perm PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) project will provide enhanced facilities and an increased capacity to meet...

from: - 15 days ago

SCHN - Research Officer – Academic Department of Adolescent Medicine  

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network - Westmead, The Childrens Hospital at Westmead | Western Sydney

SCHN is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity - we acknowledge the vibrancy that a diverse workforce brings to enhance both our workplace culture and our service delivery to children, young... 84436 - 112331 full time equivalent base salary range (excludes super, leave loading and salary packaging)

from: - 22 days ago

Fleet Officer AO3  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Stepping Up aims to assist Aboriginal job applicants by providing information about applying for roles in NSW Health organisations. For more information, please visit

from: - Yesterday

Clinical support officer HiTH  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including accurate spelling, good comprehension, confidence in the spoken word and ability to deal confidently and courteously with people at all levels...

from: - Yesterday

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Officer Hospital in Blacktown