Advanced Health Worker Jobs in Camperdown

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Senior Social Worker (Level 4) - Liver Transplant  

Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney

Currently holds a Bachelor or post graduate degree in Social Work according to the NSW Health Service Health Professionals (state) award that provides eligibility for full membership of the Australian... $121,658 - $124,607 per annum + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation

from: - 22 days ago

Social Worker (Level 3) - Opioid Treatment Program - Drug Health Services  

Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney

Drug Health Services (DHS) aims to reduce the harms associated with substance use for individuals, families and communities and to prevent drug misuse. Our Mission is to deliver evidence based and patient... $112,396 - $116,038 per annum + Annual Leave Loading + 11.5% Superannuation

from: - 29 days ago

Social Worker - Acute Bereavement and Palliative Care  

St Vincent's Hospital Sydney - Sydney CBD, NSW, AU

4. Demonstrated competencies in comprehensive psycho-social assessments, crisis intervention, anticipatory grief, loss and bereavement, complex clinical casework, end of life care and family work, individual...

from: - 8 days ago

Social Worker (Lvl 3) - Neurodegenrative Disease Supportive Care - Perm FT/PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Warwick Farm, SWSLHD District Wide Service | Western Sydney

This position is responsible for providing specialist Social Work service to consumers and their carers particularly in the Neurodegenerative Disease Supportive Care Service to ensure the provision of...

from: - 8 days ago


CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay - Northern Beaches Sydney, NSW, AU

The main objective of the role is to provide case management intervention for clients experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness. The role will include addressing homelessness concerns...

from: - 23 days ago

Clinical Midwifery Specialist Grade 2 - Malabar Midwifery Group Practice - The Royal Hospital for Women (Identified Position)  

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Randwick, Royal Hospital for Women | Sydney

The Malabar Midwifery Service is a Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) providing collaborative midwifery services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their families with individualised continuity... $113,243.15 - $116,963.48 per annum plus super

from: - 8 days ago


Haylo People - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU

This role reports to the National Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Manager and works closely with operational business leaders, safety teams, compliance teams, external consultants, regulators, and other...

from: - 24 days ago

Peer Worker - After Hours  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Blacktown, Blacktown Hospital | Western Sydney

Demonstrated understanding of the scope of a WSLHD Peer Worker role and the ability to provide a peer service with the Consumer at the centre of care. Demonstrated ability to use initiative to be able...

from: - 22 days ago

Senior Social Worker (Lvl 3) - Liverpool Hospital Mental Health Service - Temp FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Warwick Farm, SWSLHD District Wide Service | Western Sydney

This position is responsible for providing specialist Social Work service to consumers and their carers to ensure the provision of optimal health outcomes consistent with SWSLHD policies and procedures... $2,154.06 - $2,223.86 per week

from: - 29 days ago

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