Clinical Support Officer Hospital Jobs

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Clinical Support Officer (Admin Officer Lvl 3) - Liverpool Hospital - Perm FT/PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) project will provide enhanced facilities and an increased capacity to meet...

from: - 8 days ago

Visiting Medical Officer in Central Coast Health at Home - CCLHD - Apply via eCredential  

Central Coast Local Health District - Gosford, Gosford Hospital | Central Coast

Provide daily support, review and clinical intervention for people admitted into Hospital in the Home (HITH) under the care of a CCLHD Admitting Medical Officer (AMO) in Gosford and /or Wyong Clinic, with...

from: - Yesterday

GP Liaison Officer - Health Operations  

Cabrini Health Limited - 3144 Malvern, VIC, AU (+1 location)

Cabrini Health is a Catholic, private, for-purpose health service located in Melbourne’s southeast. Inspired by the mission and ethic of care of the Cabrini Sisters, providing quality, compassionate care...

from: - 7 days ago

Clinical Liaison officer  

Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney

Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment or equivalent demonstrated knowledge and experience working within an eMR education and training role and high-level skills in facilitating learning... $2,105.40 - $2,484.24 per week

from: - Yesterday

Clinical Support Officer  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Blacktown, Blacktown Hospital | Western Sydney

Apply online by submitting your resume, and addressing the criteria listed below by providing examples that demonstrate your ability before the closing date. Capacity to work under broad supervision and...

from: - Yesterday

Anaesthetics - General Consultant/Specialist 78599  


Located on the eastern coast of Australia between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, the region is known for its natural attractions and experiences including parks, waterways, wildlife centres, lookouts...

from: - 6 days ago

Clinical support officer HiTH  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including accurate spelling, good comprehension, confidence in the spoken word and ability to deal confidently and courteously with people at all levels...

from: - Yesterday

Resident Medical Officer  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Blacktown, Blacktown Hospital | Western Sydney

This is a rotational position and the RMO may be assigned to different clinical specialties during the year where they will participate in assessment and management of patients under the supervision of... - As per Award

from: - Yesterday

Director of Medical Services  

Yea and District Memorial Hospital - 3717 Yea, VIC, AU

Yea & District Memorial Hospital is an equal opportunity employer who respects and is inclusive of our community’s diversity including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual...

from: - 6 days ago

VMO - General Practice (Emergency Department) - Griffith Base Hospital (Apply via eCredential)  

Murrumbidgee Local Health District - Griffith, Griffith Base Hospital | Riverina

A Visiting Medical Officer is required to provide non procedural GP services at Griffith Base Hospital. The VMO will provide a high level of clinical care to patients and participate in the on call roster...

from: - Yesterday

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