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Job offers in
Curtin University of Technology
During the past 12 months Curtin University of Technology has published over 996 job offers and currently has 28 job openings on JobisJob.
The top 3 categories where Curtin University of Technology tend to post job openings are Administration - Clerical with 14.9%, Science - Research with 13.8% and IT - Telecomm with 13.1% of all their job offers.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Administration Officer and Research Fellow.
The employment type most offered at Curtin University of Technology is Permanent.
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Last 12 months
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Associate Professor (s50d) - National Drug Research Institute (NDRI)
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Digital Identity Product Manager (15152)
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Senior Business Analyst - People Technology
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Research Assistant - School of Management and Marketing
6000 Perth, WA, AU
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Technical Officer (Fitter/Welder/Fabricator)
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Lecturer - Archives & Records (Teaching & Research)
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Research Fellow/Associate - Prehospital Emergency Care
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Support Officer, Learning & Teaching - Humanities
6000 Perth, WA, AU
Digital Experience Implementation Lead
6000 Perth, WA, AU