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Job offers in
Flinders University
During the past 12 months Flinders University has published over 734 job offers and currently has 20 job openings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Education category.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been College Support Officer and Research Support Assistant.
The employment type most offered at Flinders University is Permanent.
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Last 12 months
Latest Job Offers
Breakthrough Senior Research Fellow in Suicide Prevention
$110,127 to $154,558 (pro-rata)
Mitcham, South Australia, Australia
Library Coordinator, Research Engagement
$110,581 - $122,420 p.a.
Mitcham, South Australia, Australia
$140,337 - $148,739
Mitcham, South Australia, Australia
$80,405 - $ 88,737 p.a.
Mitcham, South Australia, Australia
Senior Technical Officer Research Support
$89,773 - $95,718 p.a. + 17% superannuation
Mitcham, South Australia, Australia
Lecturer in Remote Health Practice (Allied Health)
$110,127 - $130,325 pa plus 17% Super
Mitcham, South Australia, Australia
Senior Lecturer, Rural and Remote Health
$134,362 - $154,558 pa plus 17% superannuation
Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia
Senior Lecturer, Northern Territory Medical Program
$134,362 - $154,558 pa plus 17% superannuation
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
$110,581 - $122,420 p.a.
Mitcham, South Australia, Australia
Technical Officer - Healthcare Simulation
$80,405 - $88,737 p.a. pro rata
Renmark / Murray Mallee, Australia, South Australia, Australia