Unit Hospital Jobs in Hornsby
Medrecruit - 2077 Hornsby, NSW, AU
The hospital, a teaching hospital of the University of Sydney, provides inpatient services including coronary and intensive care, orthopaedic, general medical, surgical, obstetric, mental health, paediatric... 140.00
from: careerone.com.au - 5 days ago
Medrecruit - 2077 Hornsby, NSW, AU
The hospital, a teaching hospital of the University of Sydney, provides inpatient services including coronary and intensive care, orthopaedic, general medical, surgical, obstetric, mental health, paediatric... 140.00
from: careerone.com.au - 5 days ago
Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney
This position is responsible for the nursing teams within the Integrated Booking Unit for elective surgery, day of surgery admissions and procedures as well as the endoscopy service for the hospital. This... $2,551.10 per week
from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - 3 days ago
Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney
Who we are: We are a health service that touches thousands of lives across the Northern Sydney Local Health District, together as a team of like-minded people. We are passionate, driven and have the skills... $1,382.80 - $1,941.40 per week
from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - 3 days ago
Medrecruit - 2077 Hornsby, NSW, AU
The hospital, a teaching hospital of the University of Sydney, provides inpatient services including coronary and intensive care, orthopaedic, general medical, surgical, obstetric, mental health, paediatric... 70.00
from: careerone.com.au - 17 days ago
Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney
Who we are: We are a health service that touches thousands of lives across the Northern Sydney Local Health District, together as a team of like-minded people. We are passionate, driven and have the skills... $2,527.30 - $2,577.70 per week
from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - 10 days ago
Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney
Hornsby Perioperative Department is seeking an enthusiastic, dedicated, and self-motivated Administration Officer to join our team. As a member of our team, you are keen to grow and develop by using the... $1,265.42 - 1,304.86 per week
from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - 10 days ago
Medrecruit - 2077 Hornsby, NSW, AU
The hospital, a teaching hospital of the University of Sydney, provides inpatient services including coronary and intensive care, orthopaedic, general medical, surgical, obstetric, mental health, paediatric... 70.00
from: careerone.com.au - 17 days ago
Medrecruit - 2077 Hornsby, NSW, AU
The hospital, a teaching hospital of the University of Sydney, provides inpatient services including coronary and intensive care, orthopaedic, general medical, surgical, obstetric, mental health, paediatric... 130.00
from: careerone.com.au - 17 days ago
Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney
An opportunity to lead a dynamic team, Hornsby Mental Health Intensive Care Unit (MHICU) is a 12 bed specialist resource available within Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) Mental Health Drug... $2,619.70 per week
from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au - 17 days ago
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