Officer Hospital Jobs in Kogarah

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Clinical Support Officer (Admin Officer Lvl 3) - Liverpool Hospital - Perm FT/PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) project will provide enhanced facilities and an increased capacity to meet...

from: - 8 days ago

Aboriginal Liaison Officer - Fairfield Hospital  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Prairiewood, Fairfield Hospital | Western Sydney

You will be based in the Social Work Department of Fairfield Hospital. Every morning you will run a report which will identify any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander individuals who are current inpatients...

from: - 8 days ago

Admission Officer (Admin Off Lvl 2) - Liverpool Hospital - Perm/Temp FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) project will provide enhanced facilities and an increased capacity to meet... $64,046.06 - $66,170.25 per annum

from: - Yesterday

Senior Peer Worker (Senior Health Education Officer) - The Forensic Hospital - PPT (20hpw)  

Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network - FH Malabar, FH Malabar Justice Health | Sydney

The Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (the Network) is committed to building a professional workforce that supports consumers in their recovery journey. The Peer Workforce is comprised... $47.29 - $49.08 per hour plus superannuation

from: - 22 days ago

Hospital In The Home (HITH) Administration Officer  

Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney

Hospital in the Home in NSLHD. Our administration team is primarily based at RNSH campus. At times you may be required to travel to our other sites at Mona Vale Community Health Centre (MVCHC), and Hornsby... $34.47 - $35.54 per hour

from: - 8 days ago

Clinical Information & Records Supervisor (Admin Off Lvl 4) - Perm FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Bankstown, Bankstown Hospital | Western Sydney

Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital is located in the city of Bankstown and is in one of the most multicultural local government areas (LGA) in Australia. This hospital has tertiary affiliations with three universities...

from: - Yesterday

Administration Officer (Lvl 2) - Outpatients Department - Perm FT/PT and Casual  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Bankstown, Bankstown Hospital | Western Sydney

Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital is located in the city of Bankstown and is in one of the most multicultural local government areas (LGA) in Australia. This hospital has tertiary affiliations with three universities...

from: - Yesterday

Medical Secretary (Admin Officer Lvl 3) - Fairfield Hospital - Perm FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Prairiewood, Fairfield Hospital | Western Sydney

Fairfield hospital is located in one of NSW’s largest LGA’s and is a hub of diverse cultures, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. This brings a range of experiences to hospital employees and provides...

from: - 8 days ago

Hospital Scientist (Scientific Officer) - Respiratory Function Laboratory  

Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney

Sydney Local Health District is one of the fastest growing Local Health Districts in New South Wales. Our facilities and services are world class and our staff are dedicated, innovative and caring. Possess... $73,440 - $104,751 per annum

from: - 15 days ago

Patient Registration Officer (Administrative Officer Level 3) - virtualADULTS Service  

Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney

The virtualADULTS service delivers virtual urgent care across metropolitan Sydney, including Sydney, Northern Sydney, South Eastern Sydney, South Western Sydney, Western Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains... $34.46 - $35.54 per hour + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation

from: - Yesterday

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Officer Hospital in Kogarah