Outpatient Jobs in Launceston

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Nursing - A&E, Critical Care & ICU - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. Shift times: 10-hour... 3300.00

from: careerone.com.au - 14 days ago

Emergency Medicine Consultant - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. Shift times: 10-hour... 3300.00

from: careerone.com.au - 14 days ago

Locum - General Medicine Consultant  

Scope Medical Recruitment - Launceston, Australia

You will collaborate closely with a multidisciplinary team to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients across both inpatient and outpatient care settings.

from: zoho.eu - 21 days ago

Medical Imaging, Radiology & Sonography - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. Locum cover is required... 2500.00

from: careerone.com.au - 14 days ago

Radiation Oncology Consultant - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. Locum cover is required... 2500.00

from: careerone.com.au - 14 days ago

Specialist Consultant - Emergency Medicine (ED) - 3300 per day  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. Shift times: 10-hour... 3300.00

from: careerone.com.au - 15 days ago

Specialist Consultant - Haematology - 2500 per day  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. Locum cover is required... 2500.00

from: careerone.com.au - More than 30 days ago

Medical Practitioners & Specialists - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. Attractions in the region... 2500.00

from: careerone.com.au - 20 days ago

Residents & Registrars - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. This job is in demand... 1500.00

from: careerone.com.au - 20 days ago

Registrar - Emergency Medicine (ED) - 1500 per day  

Medrecruit - 7250 Launceston, TAS, AU

This is a 300-bed public hospital that provides acute care facilities in the state of Tasmania. Every year the hospital treats over 24,000 inpatients and over 225,000 outpatients. This job is in demand... 1500.00

from: careerone.com.au - 30 days ago

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Outpatient in Launceston