93 Clinical Community Mental Health Jobs in Bankstown - page 2
Senior Mental Health Clinician (Clinical Nurse Consultant Grade 1) - Acute Care Service Eastern Sector, Community Mental Health Services Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney In Sydney Local Health District our vision is Excellence in health and healthcare for all. You will be working in an innovative district that celebrates and invests in the ideas of staff, values people... 9 days ago
Registered Nurse - Croydon Assertive Outreach Team - Community Mental Health Services (CMHS) Sydney Local Health District - Croydon, Croydon Health Centre | Sydney Sydney Local Health District has a long and proud history of delivering care in the community including prevention, early intervention, assessment, treatment, health maintenance and continuing care services... $1,382.80 - $1,941.40 week + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation 9 days ago
Psychologist | Liverpool Sarina Russo Group - 2170 Liverpool, NSW, AU Our VOICE staff are qualified, professionally registered, and are highly experienced. Our face-to-face services are provided across Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales and we delivered telehealth... 8 days ago
Suicide Prevention Peer Workers (HEO Grad/Non Grad) - Towards Zero Suicides – Perm/Temp PT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Warwick Farm, SWSLHD District Wide Service | Western Sydney The Community Mental Health Service is seeking a passionate Peer Support Worker who is naturally compassionate and empathetic. This role will see you working in a Trauma-Informed, Recovery Oriented, Strengths... 9 days ago
Older People's Mental Health Program Manager Northern Sydney Local Health District - North Ryde, Macquarie Hospital | Sydney An opportunity exists for an experienced health manager to act in a temporary full time capacity as the Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) Older People's Mental Health (OPMH) Program Manager... $2,720.93 - $3,241.77 per week 2 days ago
EOI – Locum Registered Nurse Aussie Locums - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU *Pay Rates: The base rates of $58.00 to $85.00 are based on AM rates, with shift rates additional. Please note: The hourly rate is dependent on the nurse’s years of experience and the geographical location... Yesterday
NSLHD Clinical Lead Community Child & Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney There is opportunity in the position to provide leadership across the team, attend Attachment Based Family Therapy Supervision, attend relevant training, contribute to the clinical governance of the service... Dependent on Qualifications 30 days ago
Mental Health Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney Who we are: We are a health service that touches thousands of lives across the Northern Sydney Local Health District, together as a team of like-minded people. We are passionate, driven and have the skills... Dependent on Qualifications 2 days ago
Wellness Support Advisor- Wagga Wagga Clinical Campus University of New South Wales - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU The Wellness Support Advisor, Rural Clinical Campuses is responsible for the provision of wellbeing care services for UNSW rural students with social, emotional, health and wellbeing needs through triage... Yesterday
Senior or Principal Aboriginal Mental Health Worker - Temp FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Campbelltown, Macarthur Mental Health Centre | Western Sydney The successful candidate will be working primarily within the Adult Community Mental Health Teams at Macarthur. There would also be potential opportunities to work with families of Children and Adolescents... Aboriginal Health Worker Principal $1,914.57 - $1,994.26 per week 2 days ago
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