3 Worker Social Jobs in Bendigo
Social Worker, Grade 3 Bendigo Health - 3550 Bendigo, VIC, AU The Grade Three Social Worker is responsible for the provision of Discipline Services within a designated clinical caseload, appropriate to their level of experience and competency. Grade Three level Social... 10 days ago
Mental Health Clinician - HOPE Program Bendigo Health - 3550 Bendigo, VIC, AU Bendigo Health is committed to providing services which are recovery focused, Trauma informed while promoting self-determination and collaboration with consumers, families and carers. The Community Mental... 14 days ago
Rehabilitation Consultant - Psych / Rehab Counsellor / Social Worker IPAR - 3550 Bendigo, VIC, AU As one of the largest providers of workplace rehabilitation in Australia, IPAR is dedicated to creating the best health, wellbeing and employment solutions that support people to move forward. IPAR is... More than 30 days ago
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