5 Art Teacher Jobs in Brisbane
Visual Arts Teacher SchoolHouse - 4000 Brisbane, QLD, AU SchoolHouse is a complimentary service for teachers and school support staff. Registration with SchoolHouse will provide exclusive access and alerts about suitable opportunities with our partner schools... Yesterday
Teachers of The Arts | 2025 SchoolHouse - 4000 Brisbane, QLD, AU SchoolHouse is a complimentary service for teachers and school support staff. Registration with SchoolHouse will provide exclusive access and alerts about suitable opportunities with our partner schools... 23 days ago
Manual Arts Teacher Prospero Teaching - 4000 Brisbane, QLD, AU Demonstrate a high pedagogical standard and ability to communicate these standards clearly. Provide three professional references from your most recent employer/s. Effectively perform responsibilities... More than 30 days ago
Junior Visual Arts and English Teacher Prospero Teaching - 4000 Brisbane, QLD, AU Demonstrate a high pedagogical standard and ability to communicate these standards clearly. Provide three professional references from your most recent employer/s. Junior Visual Arts and English Teacher... 27 days ago
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John Paul College Performing Arts - Expression of Interest Applications 2024/2025 John Paul College - 4127 Daisy Hill, QLD, AU The School of Performing Arts at John Paul College has a far-reaching reputation for the outstanding professionalism of our productions and performances, the success of our Alumni and the quality of our... More than 30 days ago
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