110 Medical Surgical Jobs in Campbelltown
Nursing - General Medical & Surgical - Healthscope Healthscope - 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, AU Campbelltown Private Hospital is a purpose built private hospital located in Park Central, the ever-growing medical hub of Campbelltown. Our modern facilities include 8 Operating Theatres, 48 Surgical... 21 days ago
Nursing - General Medical & Surgical - Healthscope Healthscope - 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, AU Campbelltown Private Hospital is a purpose built private hospital located in Park Central, the ever-growing medical hub of Campbelltown. Our modern facilities include 8 Operating Theatres, 48 Surgical... 22 days ago
Occupational Therapy - Head of Department (Occupational Therapist Lvl 7) - Perm FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Campbelltown, Campbelltown Hospital | Western Sydney If you want to lead a team in an organisation that has a strong commitment to patient care in a growing and developing service, please enquire about this role by contacting Meagan Elder on 0476 810 544... $150,767 per annum 8 days ago
Nursing - General Medical & Surgical - Medrecruit Medrecruit - 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, AU Located on the outskirts of metropolitan Sydney, there’s heritage buildings, nature reserves and plenty of top-notch restaurants and cafes to try. Locum cover is required form ASAP - 14 March 2025. Position... 110.00 More than 30 days ago
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Physiotherapist Healthscope - 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, AU Campbelltown Private Hospital is an 82 bed Medical/ Surgical and Rehabilitation facility with an expanding range of both inpatient and day patient programs. Our purpose built modern facility includes a... 8 days ago
Trainee - Unaccredited Position South Western Sydney Local Health District - Campbelltown, Campbelltown Hospital | Western Sydney At South Western Sydney Local Health District we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer, where we don’t just accept differences but we honour and support it. Committed to providing a working environment... $89,095 - $139,182 15 days ago
Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy (OT) & Rehabilitation - Healthscope Healthscope - 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, AU Campbelltown Private Hospital is an 82 bed Medical/ Surgical and Rehabilitation facility with an expanding range of both inpatient and day patient programs. Our purpose built modern facility includes a... 8 days ago
Clinical Nurse Specialist Healthscope - 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, AU Campbelltown Private Hospital is a purpose built private hospital located in Park Central, the ever-growing medical hub of Campbelltown. Our modern facilities include 8 Operating Theatres, 48 Surgical... 20 days ago
Clinical Support Officer (Admin Officer Lvl 3) - Liverpool Hospital - Perm FT/PT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney Liverpool Hospital, founded in 1813, is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents... 8 days ago
Nursing - Midwifery, Neo-Natal, SCN & NICU - Healthscope Healthscope - 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, AU Campbelltown Private Hospital is a purpose built private hospital located in Park Central, the ever-growing medical hub of Campbelltown. Our modern facilities include 8 Operating Theatres, 48 Surgical... 18 days ago
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