434 Young Jobs in Castle Hill
Registered Psychologists / Accredited Mental Health Social Workers flourish Australia - 2154 Castle Hill, NSW, AU We are a bulk-billing psychology practice that provides tele-health & onsite services. As a contracted role - we offer a flat rate that is highly competitive, despite being a bulk billing service. You... 9 days ago
headspace Youth Access Clinician (Mental Health Clinician) flourish Australia - 2154 Castle Hill, NSW, AU Ideally, you will have significant experience working within the Mental Health sector combined with relevant qualifications. You must also be currently registered, or eligible for registration (National... 10 days ago
Health Clinician (Social Worker Lvl 4 | Psychologist) - New Street Service - Temp FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, New Street Services Liverpool | Western Sydney South Western Sydney is rapidly growing and is a great place for young people and families to build a life. We are close to public transport, a short drive to the beach and the natural wonders of the Blue... Yesterday
Residential Manager Anglicare - 2154 Castle Hill, NSW, AU We would love to hear from you if you are looking for an exciting and challenging role that will see you make a positive contribution at Donington Court, Castle Hill Undertake the overall responsibility... More than 30 days ago
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New Street Counsellor (Social Worker/Psychologist) Western Sydney Local Health District - North Parramatta, Cumberland Hospital | Western Sydney Demonstrated understanding of dynamics of intrafamilial child sexual abuse, contemporary principles of family focused integrated treatment including safety planning and risk assessment and an ability to... Yesterday
Chronic Illness Peer Support Coordinator The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network - Westmead, The Childrens Hospital at Westmead | Western Sydney •Empowering and promoting the holistic health-care needs of young people, supporting them to optimise their health and wellbeing through self-management, developing independence and enhancing health literacy... 109247 - 133156 full time equivalent base salary range (excludes super, leave loading and salary packaging) Yesterday
Educator - Children Services YMCA NSW - 2087 Forestville, NSW, AU At the Y, we are committed to empowering all Children and Young People to feel safe and be safe, at the Y, in their families and in their communities. As such, we embed Safeguarding into everything that... 15 days ago
Educator - Children Services YMCA NSW - 2118 Carlingford, NSW, AU The Y NSW is a profit-for-purpose organisation focused on healthy living, social impact and empowering young people. We operate 18 recreation centres, 47 out-of-school-hours care services, and two camping... 10 days ago
Mental Health Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney Relevant tertiary qualifications in Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy and Nursing. Clinical Psychologists must have minimum postgraduate Masters in Clinical Psychology and current... Dependent on Qualifications Yesterday
Child Protection Case Manager Benevolent Society - 2113 Macquarie Park, NSW, AU Our Reconciliation Commitment – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are entitled up to 2 days paid plus up to 10 days unpaid cultural leave, as well as the option to be a voice on reference... Yesterday
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