5,828 Full Time Jobs in Concord - page 2
Allied Health Assistant - (Level 1-3) Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney Equivalent work experience in an allied health or health related setting and/or successful completion of Certificate III or Certificate IV Allied Health Assistant or other qualification deemed equivalent... $60,747 - $68,682 per annum + Annual Leave Loading +11.5% Superannuation Yesterday
Store Manager Zeus Street Greek - 2074 Turramurra, NSW, AU ZSG provides full training and support to achieve 'The Zeus Way' in all aspects of their daily role. Please complete the requested work history & education information on the application page along with... More than 30 days ago
Work, Health and Safety Manager (Health Manager Level 3) – Mental Health Service Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Centre for Mental Health | Sydney SLHD is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with disability... $2,436.82 - $2,768.26 per week + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation Yesterday
Biomedical Engineering Technician (Technical Officer Grade 2) Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Hospital | Sydney To be eligible for permanent appointment to a position in NSW Health, you must have Australian citizenship or permanent residency. New Zealand citizens are considered to have a permanent resident status... 3 days ago
Assistant Manager (FOH) Zeus Street Greek - 2137 Concord, NSW, AU ZSG provides full training and support to achieve 'The Zeus Way' in all aspects of their daily role. Please submit your resume and a cover letter supporting why you believe you are a good candidate for... More than 30 days ago
Registered Nurse - Statewide Burn Injury Service - Concord Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney We accept tertiary referrals for any acute burn injury or any patient requiring burns reconstructive surgery. All NSW Burn Units are affiliated with the University of Sydney and well regarded for their... 8 days ago
Nurse Unit Manager (Level 2) -Day Surgery Admission Centre Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney The Nursing Unit Manager role is responsible for the operational management and leadership of nursing/ staff to ensure the provision of high quality patient and family centred care and nursing and or midwifery... $133,112 per annum + 11.5% Superannuation + Annual Leave Loading 8 days ago
Store Supervisor Zeus Street Greek - 2137 Concord, NSW, AU ZSG provides full training and support to achieve 'The Zeus Way' in all aspects of their daily role. Supervising & coaching team members to deliver exceptional ZSG experience Team Leader experience: 1... More than 30 days ago
Registered Nurse - Orthopaedics Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney Health & Wellbeing: discounted Fitness Passport, free nutrition and wellness resources from qualified professionals, access to confidential EAP counselling for staff and their families and yearly flu shots... 8 days ago
Registered Nurse - Aged Care Services Emergency Team (ASET) Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney Sydney Local Health District’s vision incorporates NSW Health Core Values and a commitment to equity, health improvement, timeliness and efficiency, recognising that evidence-based service delivery requires... $72,152 - $101,299 Yesterday
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