36 Unit Manager Nursing Service Jobs in Darlinghurst
Nursing Unit Manager, IBAC Unit - St Vincent's Public Hospital, Sydney St Vincent's Hospital Network - Darlinghurst, St Vincent's Hospital Sydney | Sydney St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney is a leading not-for-profit organisation providing health services to our community. Guided by our values of compassion, excellence, integrity and justice, we promote a culture... 23 days ago
Nursing Unit Manager (Level 1) - Fertility Services RPA Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney You will be working in an innovative district that celebrates and invests in the ideas of staff, values people and offers life-long careers. Join the team at one of the leading public health organisations... $127,091 per annum + Superannuation 2 days ago
Hospital Coordinator - Healthscope Healthscope - 2086 Frenchs Forest, NSW, AU Northern Beaches Hospital seeks an operational leader to join the senior nursing team. The Hospital Coordinator works as the most senior manager on-site during the after-hours period and is responsible... 24 days ago
Hospital Co-ordinator - After Hours Senior Nursing Team Healthscope - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU Northern Beaches Hospital seeks an operational leader to join the senior nursing team. The Hospital Coordinator works as the most senior manager on-site during the after-hours period and is responsible... 26 days ago
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Technical Aide - J.L Operating Theatres (Aide) - RPAH Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney Formed in 1882, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) is a major metropolitan tertiary referral hospital and a principal provider of specialist healthcare. It remains one of the nation’s most respected hospitals... $59,675 - $61,889 per annum + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation 16 days ago
Nursing - Management - Healthscope Healthscope - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU Northern Beaches Hospital seeks an operational leader to join the senior nursing team. The Hospital Coordinator works as the most senior manager on-site during the after-hours period and is responsible... 26 days ago
Clinical Support Officer (Administrative Clinical Support Officer Level 3) - Mental Health Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney Royal Prince Alfred Hospital is one of the nation’s most respected hospitals, with a distinguished history of serving the health needs of local, statewide, national and international communities. Our facilities... $68,338 - $70,468 per annum + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation 16 days ago
Nurse Unit Manager South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Sydney, Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital | Sydney SESLHD’s Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Service (SHBBV) provide leadership, innovation and research in the sector. There are services within SHBBV involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment... $127,091.34 - $127,091.34 per annum plus Superannuation 30 days ago
Clinical Nurse Educator - Neurosurgery Sydney Adventist Hospital - 2076 Wahroonga, NSW, AU Join our team as a Clinical Nurse Educator in the 29-bed Neurology & Neurosurgery Radley Ward. This dynamic ward offers a diverse range of services, including acute stroke care, pre- and post-brain and... 10 days ago
Nurse Unit Manager (Level 2) -Day Surgery Admission Centre Sydney Local Health District - Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney Sydney Local Health District is responsible for the health and wellbeing of more than 740,000 people living within our boundaries, as well as many more from rural and remote parts of NSW and Australia... $133,112 per annum + 11.5% Superannuation + Annual Leave Loading 9 days ago
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