72 Community Mental Health Jobs in Hallam - page 4
Associate Nurse Unit Manager - Psychiatric Planning & Assessment Unit (PAPU) Peninsula Health - 3199 Frankston, VIC, AU Peninsula Health is the major metropolitan health service caring for a community of 300,000 people. Our Vision is to provide exceptional health and community care. To realise this vision, we need people... 6 days ago
Specialist Anaesthetist Eastern Health - 3130 Blackburn, VIC, AU Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health... 4 days ago
Consultant Gastroenterologist Monash Health - 3168 Clayton, VIC, AU Monash Health is Victoria’s largest and most comprehensive health service. For more than 170 years, Monash Health and its predecessors have provided safe, high-quality healthcare for people at every life... 10 days ago
Clinical Nurse Consultant - Children's Monash Health - 3168 Clayton, VIC, AU To help grow your career, there are more than 1,900 Junior and 1,700 Senior Doctors at Monash Health in over 200 medical specialties. We offer unparallel opportunities in Victoria's largest & most clinically... 10 days ago
2025 Emergency Medicine Hospital Medical Officer Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health... 4 days ago
2025 General Hospital Medical Officer (HMO3+) Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical, and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health... 4 days ago
2025 Surgical Hospital Medical Officer (HMO3+) Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical, and general healthcare services, including maternity, palliative care, mental health... 4 days ago
Senior Clinician - Infant, Child, Youth Mental Health Service Eastern Health - 3135 Ringwood East, VIC, AU Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services and have a proud history of serving a diverse community... 28 days ago
Clinical or Forensic Psychologist - PGNH In-Reach Team Monash Health - 3192 Cheltenham, VIC, AU Monash Health is Victoria’s largest and most comprehensive health service. For more than 170 years, Monash Health and its predecessors have provided safe, high-quality healthcare and service for people... 10 days ago
Consultant Psychiatrist Eastern Health - 3135 Ringwood East, VIC, AU Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest public health services. We provide a range of emergency, surgical, medical and general healthcare services and have a proud history of serving a diverse community... 7 days ago
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