61 Youth Services Jobs in Hornsby
Senior Social Worker Health Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney The Child, Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) Senior Social Worker plays a leading role in the provision of a comprehensive range of assessments and treatments for infants, children & adolescents affected... $2,331.57 - $2,388.09 per week 7 days ago
Child Youth Mental Health Service Community Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney Relevant tertiary qualifications in Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, or Nursing and registration with AHPRA or membership with AASW for Social Workers. Clinical Psychologists must... 28 days ago
Senior Case Manager Youth Services Anglicare - 2150 Parramatta, NSW, AU As a Senior Case Manager work will be completed under limited direction from your line manager and includes you undertaking more complex high-risk cases, in consultation with the Team Lead as well as taking... Today
Community Child Youth Mental Health Service Intake Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney The Child & Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) community service provides a comprehensive range of assessment and treatments for infants, children and adolescents affected by moderate to severe or complex... 28 days ago
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NSLHD CYMHS Children of Parents with Mental Illness (COPMI) (Multi-Disc) Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney The COPMI clinician role aims to develop sustainable networks between the adult Mental Health Services (MHS), Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) and other services/agencies in the provision... 28 days ago
Educator - Children Services YMCA NSW - 2087 Forestville, NSW, AU At the Y, we are committed to empowering all Children and Young People to feel safe and be safe, at the Y, in their families and in their communities. As such, we embed Safeguarding into everything that... 14 days ago
Outreach Support for Children & Adolescents (OSCA) Mental Health Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney Recognised Degree in Psychology, Social Work, Nursing, or Occupational Therapy with registration with AHPRA or membership to AASW. Social Workers and Occupational Therapists Level 3 require minimum experience... 28 days ago
Social Worker (Level 3) - Youth Services - Drug Health Services Sydney Local Health District - Redfern, Redfern Community Health Centre | Sydney In this role, you are expected to provide senior clinical leadership within Youth Services, including optimisation of patient/client care delivery, as well as supporting the mentoring and development of... $112,396 - $116,038 per annum + Annual Leave Loading + 11.5% Superannuation 7 days ago
Youth Worker (Western Sydney) YMCA NSW - 2120 Pennant Hills, NSW, AU Your passion is to positively impact young people's lives by helping them navigate challenges and achieve their potential. You do this by creating supportive communities and fostering a sense of belonging... 5 days ago
New Street Counsellor (Social Worker/Psychologist) Western Sydney Local Health District - North Parramatta, Cumberland Hospital | Western Sydney Demonstrated understanding of dynamics of intrafamilial child sexual abuse, contemporary principles of family focused integrated treatment including safety planning and risk assessment and an ability to... Today
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