149 Practice Group Jobs in Leichhardt
Physiotherapist LifeCare - 2040 Leichhardt, NSW, AU We're committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity. We welcome all people to join our team, including people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, living with disability, all gender... Yesterday
Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy (OT) & Rehabilitation - LifeCare LifeCare - 2040 Leichhardt, NSW, AU We're committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity. We welcome all people to join our team, including people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, living with disability, all gender... Yesterday
Psychologist/Clinical Psychologist/Intern 2.5,3,4,or 5 days: ST &A Psychology Leading Group Practice Psychxchange - Sydney, NSW You feel uncomfortable when your clients attend inconsistently, are not engaging in doing the work, or discontinue from therapy prematurely, before they have fully benefitted from what therapy can offer... 5 days ago
Practice Nurse Manager ForHealth Group (Dayforce) - 2040 Leichhardt, NSW, AU The successful candidate will have the opportunity to be part of an outstanding work environment in a purpose and values-driven Company that invests in its people through training and development and internal... More than 30 days ago
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CDM Nurse | Leichhardt | Full Time ForHealth Group (Dayforce) - 2040 Leichhardt, NSW, AU The successful candidate will have the opportunity to be part of an outstanding work environment in a purpose and values-driven Company that invests in its people through training and development and internal... More than 30 days ago
Enrolled Nurse - Overflow - 9 West 1 Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney The EN works under the guidance of Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council National Competency Standards for the Enrolled Nurse (EN) in collaboration with Registered Nurses (RN), multidisciplinary team... $65,024 - $70,655 per annum + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation 2 days ago
Practice Group Manager DXC Technology - 2113 Macquarie Park, NSW, AU Our virtual first approach means we offer a high degree of work flexibility. Our teams are spread across multiple geographies delivering a broad range of services. We tailor working arrangements which... 11 days ago
SmartClinics Annandale - General Practitioner SmartClinics Annandale Family Medical Centre - 4814 Annandale, QLD, AU We proudly offer high-quality management services and facilities for doctors and passionately believe that primary care needs to be locally focused. That is why our group of practices are locally managed... 9 days ago
Endorsed Enrolled Nurse - Respiratory Inpatient Ward Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney Current enrolment with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as an EN with medication endorsement, including oral and intravenous competencies. SLHD is an equal opportunity employer... $32.79 - $35.63 per hour + Annual Leave Loading + 11.5% Superannuation 2 days ago
Clinical Midwifery Specialist Grade 2 - Malabar Midwifery Group Practice - The Royal Hospital for Women (Identified Position) South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Randwick, Royal Hospital for Women | Sydney The CMS2 will actively participate in continuous service development, evaluation and improvement. The position will involve work primarily in the identified geographical area, requiring the CMS2 to undertake... $113,243.15 - $116,963.48 per annum plus super 9 days ago
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