12 Community Health Worker Jobs in Lismore
Social Worker -Women's Health Matters - Lismore Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Community Health | Far North Coast We are a healthcare community, caring for the people of the Northern Rivers. We understand that high quality healthcare and quality of life go hand in hand. Our hospitals, and our community health and... $91,472.00 - $104,753.00 per annum pro rata 15 days ago
Health Clinician, Aged Care Assessment Team - location negotiable within NNSWLHD Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Community Health | Far North Coast We are a healthcare community, caring for the people of the Northern Rivers. We understand that high quality healthcare and quality of life go hand in hand. Our hospitals, and our community health and... $72,152.53 - $113,226.00 per annum dependent on qualifications 22 days ago
Rehabilitation Consultant Interact - 2480 Lismore, NSW, AU Interact is a leading provider of allied health, occupational health and safety, and injury management services to the regions of New South Wales. Committed to providing exceptional care and support to... More than 30 days ago
Social Worker Joint Child Protection Response Program - Lismore Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Community Health | Far North Coast We are a healthcare community, caring for the people of the Northern Rivers. We understand that high quality healthcare and quality of life go hand in hand. Our hospitals, and our community health and... $121,658.00 - $124,607.00 per annum pro rata 8 days ago
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Social Worker, Brighter Beginnings - location negotiable within southern NNSWLHD Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Community Health | Far North Coast We are a healthcare community, caring for the people of the Northern Rivers. We understand that high quality healthcare and quality of life go hand in hand. Our hospitals, and our community health and... $112,396.00 - $116,038.00 per annum pro rata 8 days ago
Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy (OT) & Rehabilitation - Interact Interact - 2480 Lismore, NSW, AU Interact is a leading provider of allied health, occupational health and safety, and injury management services to the regions of New South Wales. Committed to providing exceptional care and support to... More than 30 days ago
Mental Health Clinician, Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Specialist - Lismore Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Mental Health Services | Far North Coast We are a healthcare community, caring for the people of the Northern Rivers. We understand that high quality healthcare and quality of life go hand in hand. Our hospitals, and our community health and... $109,247.00 - $134,500.70 per annum, depending on qualifications 8 days ago
Aboriginal Health Worker - Lismore / Coraki / Grafton Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Base Hospital | Far North Coast This is an Identified Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Position. Applicants for this position must be of Aboriginal descent through parentage, identification as being Aboriginal and being accepted in... $62,512.00 - $90,357.00 per annum, pro rata 14 days ago
Aboriginal Health Worker, Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Service - Lismore Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Community Health | Far North Coast We are a healthcare community, caring for the people of the Northern Rivers. We understand that high quality healthcare and quality of life go hand in hand. Our hospitals, and our community health and... $62,512.00 - $90,357.00 per annum pro rata 22 days ago
Youth Counsellor, Alcohol and Other Drugs - various locations across NNSWLHD Northern NSW Local Health District - Lismore, Lismore Drug & Alcohol | Far North Coast We are a healthcare community, caring for the people of the Northern Rivers. We understand that high quality healthcare and quality of life go hand in hand. Our hospitals, and our community health and... 29 days ago
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