66 Hospital Social Worker Jobs in North Parramatta - page 5
Social Worker (Level 1/2) - Balmain Hospital Sydney Local Health District - Balmain, Balmain Hospital | Sydney Balmain Hospital is a community-based healthcare facility that has been caring for local people since 1885. It is dedicated to Aged Care, Rehabilitation and General Practice. Balmain Hospital is committed... 30 days ago
Aged Care Clinical Assessor Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney Tertiary qualification & current registration with AHPRA in Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy or tertiary qualification in Social Work with eligibility for membership of the Australian Association... 30 days ago
Social Worker Level 1/2 - Acute Services Team South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Randwick, Prince of Wales Hospital | Sydney Prince of Wales Hospital is a 440 bed tertiary referral facility with specialties unique to this campus such as spinal cord injuries and interventional neuroradiology. A new Acute Service Building opened... $73,427.00 - $104,753.00 plus superannuation 16 days ago
Senior Social Worker (Level 4) - Renal Transplant Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney Currently holds a Bachelor or post graduate degree in Social Work according to the NSW Health Service Health Professionals (state) award that provides eligibility for full membership of the Australian... $61.35 - $62.84 per hour + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation 23 days ago
Senior Social Worker (Level 4) - Liver Transplant Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney Currently holds a Bachelor or post graduate degree in Social Work according to the NSW Health Service Health Professionals (state) award that provides eligibility for full membership of the Australian... $121,658 - $124,607 per annum + annual leave loading + 11.5% Superannuation 23 days ago
Health Clinician (Registered Nurse | Dietitian, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Social Worker, Speech Pathologist Lvl 4) - Temp PT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Prairiewood, Braeside Hospital | Western Sydney Coordination of a Transitional Care multidisciplinary team and provision of case coordination for older people who have functional impairment and high care needs discharged from hospital and eligible for... 9 days ago
Senior Social Worker (Level 3) - Out-of-Home-Care Health Pathway Program South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Darlinghurst, Darlinghurst Community Health Centre | Sydney PaCH's services are provided at the District's hospitals, community-based facilities including child and family health centres, community health centres and specialist clinics. We work with other service... $56.69 - $58.52 per hour 23 days ago
Social Worker Level 3 - Supportive Community Care Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District - Penrith, Lemongrove Campus | Western Sydney The primary purpose of the role within the interdisciplinary Community Supportive Care team is to work with other community health teams, general practitioners, hospital teams and specialist palliative... $112,396.00 - $116,038.00 per annum 23 days ago
Team Leader (Counsellor Lvl 4) - Adult Drug Court - Perm FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Health Services Building Liverpool | Western Sydney Work closely with judicial officers, legal representatives, Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network (JHFMHN) staff, rehabilitation services, and other stakeholders to develop, implement, and monitor... 30 days ago
Occupational Therapist South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Randwick, Prince of Wales Hospital | Sydney This role is in the Community setting, we are based on the Prince of Wales Hospital Campus, Randwick. The Occupational Therapist (OT) is part of a multi discipline team that includes Physiotherapists,... $37.03 - $52.83 per hour plus superannuation 2 days ago
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