3 Primary Mental Health Specialist Jobs in North Parramatta
Senior Occupational Therapist Level 3 - Child & Youth Mental Health Western Sydney Local Health District - North Parramatta, Cumberland Hospital | Western Sydney Demonstrated mental health experience in the use of Occupational Therapy assessment tools, knowledge and experience working in a community mental health service, especially child and adolescent population... 30 days ago
Forensic Mental Health Clinician - PFT/PT and TPT (16hpw up to Feb 2029) - Justice Heath Olympic Park Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network - Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney Olympic Park Justice Health | Western Sydney The primary purpose of the Forensic Mental Health Clinician role is to provide forensic mental health consultation, liaison and clinical services to public sector forensic and civil psychiatric patients... dependent on classification plus superannuation 30 days ago
Registered Nurse (RN2-8), Long Bay Correctional Complex - Custodial Mental Health - Various positions (PFT/PPT) Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network - LBH Malabar, LBH Malabar Justice Health | Sydney Custodial Mental Health (CMH) is a specialist mental health service within the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network that provides a range of mental health services to adults in NSW correctional... $72,152.53 - $101,299.48 p.a (Pro rata for Part time) plus superannuation 30 days ago
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