NSLHD - Visiting Medical Officer - Psychiatry - Child and Youth Mental Health Service (Apply via eCredential)

  • Company:

    Northern Sydney Local Health District

  • Location:

    Brookvale, Brookvale Community Health Centre | Sydney

A number of vacancies exist for Child & Youth Psychiatrists to work in the Northern Sydney Child &Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) located in St Leonards, Ryde, Hornsby, Brookvale and other NSLHD locations as directed. […]
The successful applicants will have the opportunity to provide psychiatric leadership to the teams through direct clinical care, offering consultation and teaching, as well as the opportunity to further research interests and partaking in the child & adolescent on-call roster. […]
Provide clinical management and treatment of patients under your care in a Northern Sydney Local...

29 days ago from: nswhealth.erecruit.com.au