4 Part Time Youth Worker Jobs in Parramatta
Senior Counsellor Youth Health Western Sydney Local Health District - Parramatta, High Street Youth Health Service | Western Sydney Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply. Stepping Up aims to assist Aboriginal job applicants by providing information about applying for roles in NSW Health organisations... 28 days ago
Peer Support Worker - Hall Ward Acute Mental Health Unit The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network - Westmead, The Childrens Hospital at Westmead | Western Sydney As a multi-disciplinary team member the YPSW has an advocacy and consultative role. They use their lived experience and engagement with consumers to support the development of models of care, address systemic... 62486 - 114187 full time equivalent base salary range (excludes super, leave loading and salary packaging) 14 days ago
Youth Worker (Western Sydney) YMCA NSW - 2120 Pennant Hills, NSW, AU Your passion is to positively impact young people's lives by helping them navigate challenges and achieve their potential. You do this by creating supportive communities and fostering a sense of belonging... 5 days ago
Peer Support Worker Northern Sydney Local Health District - North Ryde, Macquarie Hospital | Sydney Able and willing to share aspects of your personal treatment and recovery experience with others individually or in a group setting. This provides a role model for recovery, support and understanding for... Dependent on Qualification 7 days ago
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