199 Services Medical Jobs in Penrith - page 3
Registrar - Medrecruit Medrecruit - 2756 Windsor, NSW, AU Soak up history and culture in one of Australia’s oldest colonial settlements. Position Details: 180.00 2 days ago
Liverpool Redevelopment Project Director - LHAP (Health Mgr Lvl 5) - Temp FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney Responsible to the SWSLHD Director Capital Works & Infrastructure. The Liverpool Redevelopment Project Director will assume a leadership role for the redevelopment of Liverpool Hospital by providing expert... Yesterday
Medical Laboratory Technician - Microbiology NSW Health Pathology - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney Continued professional development is essential in this role and opportunities will be provided to support these activities. We will be looking for your strengths and once trained you will be required... $65,956.84 - $94,999.44 per annum plus superannuation Yesterday
Registrar - Emergency Medicine (ED) - 220 per hour Medrecruit - 2756 Windsor, NSW, AU Soak up history and culture in one of Australia’s oldest colonial settlements. Position Details: 220.00 9 days ago
Technical Assistant (Gde 2) - Emergency Department - Perm PT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney Liverpool Hospital, founded in 1813, is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents... 15 days ago
Surgical Booking Officer (Admin Off Lvl 3) - Perm/Temp FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney The Waitlist Management Surgical Booking Officer is to provide ongoing development of booked elective and waiting time management practices which reflect the Health Service's current position and future... Yesterday
Nursing - A&E, Critical Care & ICU - Medrecruit Medrecruit - 2756 Windsor, NSW, AU Soak up history and culture in one of Australia’s oldest colonial settlements. Position Details: 180.00 2 days ago
Executive Assistant to General Manager (Health Mgr Lvl 1) - Liverpool Hospital - Perm FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney Liverpool Hospital, founded in 1813, is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents... $84,436 - $112,331 per annum Yesterday
Admission Officer (Admin Off Lvl 2) - Liverpool Hospital - Perm/Temp FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney Liverpool Hospital, founded in 1813, is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents... $64,046.06 - $66,170.25 per annum Yesterday
Registrar - Emergency Medicine (ED) - 200 per hour Medrecruit - 2756 Windsor, NSW, AU Soak up history and culture in one of Australia’s oldest colonial settlements. Position Details: 200.00 2 days ago
Top locations
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- Liverpool (95)
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- Sydney (60)
- Westmead (51)
- St Leonards (49)
- Windsor (48)
- Bella Vista (42)
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