1,733 Care Services Jobs in St Leonards
People & Culture Advisor RSL Lifecare - 2065 St Leonards, NSW, AU We are currently seeking applications for a People and Culture Advisor to join our People & Culture team located at our office in St Leonards. This is a great career opportunity and a rewarding position... 2 days ago
Aboriginal Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Trainee Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney Who we are: We are a health service that touches thousands of lives across the Northern Sydney Local Health District, together as a team of like-minded people. We are passionate, driven and have the skills... Yesterday
Medico Legal Officer Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney The principal objective of the Medico-Legal team is to protect the privacy of patients and carers, which includes releasing information in accordance with The Health Records and Information Privacy Act... $36.46 - $37.29 per hour Yesterday
Specialised Carer | Palliative Care | North Sydney Hammond Care - 2065 St Leonards, NSW, AU HammondCare At Home is continuing to expand our services and we are looking for caring and dedicated individuals to join us as Specialised Carers in Palliative Care to provide support to our Clients across... 2 days ago
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Drug and Alcohol Counsellor (Psychologist, Social Worker, Counsellor) Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney Who we are: We are a health service that touches thousands of lives across the Northern Sydney Local Health District, together as a team of like-minded people. We are passionate, driven and have the skills... 8 days ago
NSLHD - Staff Specialist - Psychiatry - Mental Health Inpatient Unit - North Shore Ryde Mental Health Service (Apply via eCredential) Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney MBBS or equivalent, currently registered or eligible for registration with the Medical Board of Australia. Applicants must have Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists... 8 days ago
Residents & Registrars - Medrecruit Medrecruit - 2065 St Leonards, NSW, AU Located in the heart of Sydney's North Shore, this private hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional patient care. The hospital boasts a range of specialties, including cardiology, oncology... 120.00 2 days ago
Allied Health Team Leader, Child Development Service Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney The Child Development Service (CDS) is a specialist service within the NSLHD Child, Youth and Family Health Service. The CDS Team provides specialist (tertiary level) interdisciplinary, diagnostic assessment... 15 days ago
Team Leader Northern Sydney Local Health District - St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney Who we are: We are a health service that touches thousands of lives across the Northern Sydney Local Health District, together as a team of like-minded people. We are passionate, driven and have the skills... $1,539.73 - $1,576.13 15 days ago
Registrar - General Medicine - Medrecruit Medrecruit - 2065 St Leonards, NSW, AU Located in the heart of Sydney's North Shore, this private hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional patient care. The hospital boasts a range of specialties, including cardiology, oncology... 120.00 9 days ago
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