23 Social Worker Youth Services Jobs in State of New South Wales
Social Worker (Lvl 1/2) - Youth Health Services - Perm FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Campbelltown, Traxside Youth Health Centre | Western Sydney South Western Sydney is rapidly growing and is a great place for young people and families to build a life. We are close to public transport, a short drive to the beach and the natural wonders of the Blue... 2 days ago
Social Worker (Level 3) - Youth Services - Drug Health Services Sydney Local Health District - Redfern, Redfern Community Health Centre | Sydney In this role, you are expected to provide senior clinical leadership within Youth Services, including optimisation of patient/client care delivery, as well as supporting the mentoring and development of... $112,396 - $116,038 per annum + Annual Leave Loading + 11.5% Superannuation 9 days ago
THERAPEUTIC YOUTH WORKER - SYDNEY CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay - 2060 North Sydney, NSW, AU If you have demonstrated passion for helping children and young people heal and grow through understanding and support, we would love to hear from you! Prior experience in supporting individuals with disabilities... Today
Social Worker Level 3 - Youth Drug and Alcohol Services - Targeted Hunter New England Local Health District - New Lambton Heights, John Hunter Children's Hospital | Hunter Whilst this position is open to all individuals, it is targeted to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people under section 21 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander... 3 days ago
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Aboriginal Health Worker - Out of Home Care - Temp FT South Western Sydney Local Health District - Ingleburn, Ingleburn Community Health Centre | Western Sydney Applicants must possess an Australian C-Class driver's license (including P1 or P2). Those who hold a C class license (P1 or P2 included) from a state other than NSW must obtain a NSW C class (P1 or P2... $1,198.03 - $1,731.68 per week 2 days ago
Team Leader - Youth Refuge St Vincent de Paul - 2576 Bowral, NSW, AU The Society is committed to being a Child Safe organisation, further information can be found in the Society’s commitment to Safeguarding Children & Young People. Prior to an offer of employment, candidates... Yesterday
New Street Counsellor (Social Worker/Psychologist) Western Sydney Local Health District - North Parramatta, Cumberland Hospital | Western Sydney Demonstrated understanding of dynamics of intrafamilial child sexual abuse, contemporary principles of family focused integrated treatment including safety planning and risk assessment and an ability to... 2 days ago
Senior Social Worker, Northern Beaches Child and Youth Mental Health Service Northern Sydney Local Health District - Brookvale, Brookvale Community Health Centre | Sydney Demonstrated comprehensive training/qualifications and skills in assessment, formulation and providing treatment for children and adolescents affected by mental health problems, their families/carers and... $61.36 - $62.84 per hour 16 days ago
Support Worker - Albury Wellways Australia Limited - 2640 Albury, NSW, AU As a Support Worker, you will deliver a variety of services to participants to support them to live a fulfilling and meaningful life in the community. Your working day may include assistance and or support... 2 days ago
Senior Social Worker Health Clinician Northern Sydney Local Health District - Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney The Child, Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) Senior Social Worker plays a leading role in the provision of a comprehensive range of assessments and treatments for infants, children & adolescents affected... $2,331.57 - $2,388.09 per week 9 days ago
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