85 Adult Mental Jobs in State of Victoria - page 3
Clinical Director - Adult Acute Mental Health Eastern Health - 3128 Box Hill, VIC, AU We are an equal opportunity employer and actively promote equality for people of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and for people living with disability – within the communities... More than 30 days ago
Occupational Therapist | Mental Health | Melbourne's East Gorilla Jobs - South Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, VIC, AU Apply now or email your resume to Charlie Summers (Allied Health Division) to c.summers@gorillajobs.com.au or call +61 468 825 047 to hear more about the role. Primarily community-based role seeing adult... 90000.00 - 120000.00 3 days ago
Social Worker - Drug Alcohol and Addiction Monash Health - 3175 Dandenong, VIC, AU Employing multidisciplinary clinicians across these wide ranging services including Peer Workers with lived experience, the service employs approximately 75 EFT staff and budget of approximately $7 million... 11 days ago
Community Development Worker - Community Monash Health - 3175 Dandenong, VIC, AU The Forensic Mental Health in Aboriginal Clinician will function as a member of a dynamic multi-disciplinary team and will support the Team Leader and Manager in the deliverance of the Forensic Mental... 10 days ago
Peer Support Worker - Alcohol & Other Drugs Western Health - VIC, AU Western Health is committed to providing a safe environment for the children and young people who are involved in our services, sites and operations. We follow and abide by all legislative requirements... 11 days ago
Allied Health Senior Clinician - Community Mental Health Eastern Health - 3135 Ringwood East, VIC, AU Maroondah Continuing Care Team is a dynamic multidisciplinary team providing case management and collaborative recovery oriented treatment and care for adults with a severe mental illness. We work with... 4 days ago
Occupational Therapist Team Leader Gorilla Jobs - South Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, VIC, AU Mix of in-clinic and community based seeing exclusively paediatric or adult NDIS clients including the opportunity to see a range of mental health and complex clients if desired Next Steps - Apply now... 100000.00 - 125000.00 3 days ago
Grade 3 Dietitian - Eating Disorders and Diabetes Alfred Health - 3004 Melbourne, VIC, AU Alfred Health is a leader in health care delivery, improvement, research and education. We are the main provider of health services to people living in the inner southeast suburbs of Melbourne, from ambulatory... 6 days ago
Clinical or Forensic Psychologist - PGNH In-Reach Team Monash Health - 3192 Cheltenham, VIC, AU The Older Adult Mental Health Service has two main site, one in Kingston and the other in Endeavour Hills. This position is situated in the Kingston site, a great location if you are living close to the... 10 days ago
Consultant Psychiatrist Forensic Assessment & Consultation Team (FACT) Monash Health - 3168 Clayton, VIC, AU MH FACT is responsible for the coordination of services between VFTAC and Area Mental Health Services in South East of Melbourne. Once a referral is received from VFTAC, MH FACT enact an appropriate response... 7 days ago
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