5 Aged Assistants Jobs in Sutherland Shire
Aged Care Worker - Catering Assistant St Basil’s NSW/ACT - 2228 Miranda, NSW, AU Responsibilities include setting up food trays based on resident’s dietary requirements and general cleaning of the kitchen and dining areas including washing dishes, cleaning floors and stock replenishment... 19 days ago
Assistant in Nursing - Sutherland Transitional Aged Care Services - Permanent Part Time - The Sutherland Hospital South Eastern Sydney Local Health District - Caringbah, Sutherland Hospital | Sydney The vision for South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) is ‘exceptional care, healthier lives’. SESLHD is committed to enabling our community to be healthy and well, and to providing the best... $26.15 - $28.69 per hour plus superannuation 28 days ago
Aged & Disability Care - Hireup Hireup - 2232 Sutherland, NSW, AU The support you will provide to someone with complex support needs varies for each person. Support needs and goals are directed by the person or their informal supports. Implement safe and effective infection... More than 30 days ago
Disability Support Worker - Complex Support (Mental Health) Hireup - 2232 Sutherland, NSW, AU The support you will provide to someone with complex support needs varies for each person. Support needs and goals are directed by the person or their informal supports. Implement safe and effective infection... More than 30 days ago
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Disability Support Worker - Complex Support (Specialised Support) Hireup - 2232 Sutherland, NSW, AU The support you will provide to someone with complex support needs varies for each person. Support needs and goals are directed by the person or their informal supports. Implement safe and effective infection... More than 30 days ago
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