Medical Surgical Jobs in Maitland

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Nursing - A&E, Critical Care & ICU - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city with a population of over 80,000 people. The hospital is a major healthcare provider in the region, offering a wide range of medical services... 3000.00

from: - 4 days ago

Specialist Consultant - Emergency Medicine (ED) - 3100 per day  

Medrecruit - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city with a population of over 80,000 people. The hospital is a major healthcare provider in the region, offering a wide range of medical services... 3100.00

from: - Yesterday

Staff Specialist in Geriatric Medicine - Maitland Hospital, Lower Hunter Valley, NSW  

Hunter New England Local Health District - Metford, The Maitland Hospital | Hunter

Are you a passionate and skilled Geriatrician looking to make a meaningful impact in a thriving health service? Maitland Hospital is seeking a dedicated Geriatrician to provide a comprehensive consultative...

from: - 9 days ago

Emergency Medicine Consultant - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city with a population of over 80,000 people. The hospital is a major healthcare provider in the region, offering a wide range of medical services... 3100.00

from: - Yesterday

Specialist Consultant - Anaesthetics - 3000 per day  

Medrecruit - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city with a population of over 80,000 people. The hospital is a major healthcare provider in the region, offering a wide range of medical services... 3000.00

from: - 4 days ago

Enrolled Nurse and Registered Nurse  

Hunter New England Local Health District - Metford, The Maitland Hospital | Hunter

You take ownership of your responsibilities, following through on tasks from start to finish. You are proactive in identifying what needs to be done, ensuring that no task is left incomplete and that all...

from: - 7 days ago

Anaesthetics Specialist Consultant - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city with a population of over 80,000 people. The hospital is a major healthcare provider in the region, offering a wide range of medical services... 3000.00

from: - 4 days ago

Specialist Consultant - Anaesthetics - 1500 per day  

Medrecruit - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city with a population of over 80,000 people. The hospital is a major healthcare provider in the region, offering a wide range of medical services... 1500.00

from: - 4 days ago

Staff Specialist in Emergency Medicine - Maitland Hospital  

Hunter New England Local Health District - Metford, The Maitland Hospital | Hunter

“With a friendly atmosphere, diverse case mix, and exceptional team spirit. It’s a place where medicine meets camaraderie, creating an invigorating environment where excellence thrives” - Dr Sherozina...

from: - 27 days ago

Anaesthetics Consultant - Medrecruit  

Medrecruit - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city with a population of over 80,000 people. The hospital is a major healthcare provider in the region, offering a wide range of medical services... 1500.00

from: - 4 days ago

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Medical Surgical in Maitland