School Officer Jobs in Marrickville

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Casual Administration School Support Officer  

Casimir Catholic College - 2204 Marrickville, NSW, AU

The goal is for students who join Casimir Catholic College to swiftly adapt to our school culture, which fosters the development of skills, values, and attitudes that build on their natural talents. We...

from: - 15 days ago

Learning Support Officer  

Eileen O'Connor Catholic College - 2049 Lewisham, NSW, AU

Eileen O’Connor College Lewisham is a Catholic K-12 school educating children with a mild and moderate intellectual disability. Our college is named after Eileen O’Connor, the co-founder of Our Lady’s...

from: - Yesterday

Health Promotion Program Officer - School Years  

Western Sydney Local Health District - North Parramatta, Cumberland Hospital | Western Sydney

Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) is responsible for providing primary and secondary health care for people living in the Auburn, Blacktown, and The Hills Shire, Cumberland and Parramatta Local...

from: - 7 days ago

Senior Administration Officer, School of Nursing and Midwifery  

The University of Notre Dame - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU

The University of Notre Dame Australia is a private Catholic University with over 1,000 permanent staff providing an exceptional educational experience to over 12,000 students across our Fremantle, Broome...

from: - 7 days ago

School Support Officer  

Marist College - 2122 Eastwood, NSW, AU

Marist College Eastwood is a vibrant Catholic Marist community dedicated to boys' education. Placing students at the heart of our efforts, our committed Marist staff takes pride in addressing the needs...

from: - Yesterday

Professional Experience Placement Officer  

University of Tasmania - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU

The College of Health and Medicine brings together the Schools of Health Sciences, Nursing, Medicine, Paramedicine, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Psychological Science and the Menzies Institute for Medical Research...

from: - 9 days ago

Education and Teaching Support Officer  

University of New South Wales - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU (+1 location)

The School of Physics is one of the leading Physics schools in Australia. It offers a world class undergraduate physics degree, as well as a postgraduate PhD research program for over 50 students. 33 academic...

from: (+1 source) - Yesterday

Teaching Support Admin Officer  

University of New South Wales - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU (+1 location)

The School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) examines the natural environment, including life, from the core of the Earth to its upper atmosphere, deep in time through to the present...

from: (+1 source) - Yesterday

Senior Administration Officer ( Professional Practice Office)  

The University of Notre Dame - 2000 Sydney, NSW, AU

The University of Notre Dame Australia is a private Catholic University with over 1,000 permanent staff providing an exceptional educational experience to over 12,000 students across our Fremantle, Broome...

from: - 2 days ago

Project Coordinator  

Beaumont People - Eastern Suburbs Sydney, NSW, AU

Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (MDANZ) is the peak body representing professional entry-level medical education, training and research in ANZ. The members are in medical schools across the two...

from: - Yesterday

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School Officer in Marrickville