Services Medical Jobs in Mount Pritchard

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Clinical Coding Auditor/Educator - Temp FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) project will provide enhanced facilities and an increased capacity to meet... Dependent on Classification

from: - 9 days ago

Registered Nurse - Intensive Care Unit  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

The Registered Nurse will be a part of the pandemic response. This may include working in locations throughout metropolitan Sydney and surrounds or other areas of NSW including regional and remote areas...

from: - 9 days ago

Registered Nurse - Respiratory Medicine  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

We encounter a wide range of respiratory illnesses, some of which includes COPD, Asthma, COVID and our specialized Complex Respiratory Failure service caters to patients requiring non-invasive ventilation...

from: - 9 days ago

Operations Assistants - Operating Theatres - Perm FT/PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

All staff are expected to take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others, that they comply with any reasonable instruction that is given them and with any...

from: - 9 days ago

Podiatrist Lvl 1/2 - Perm FT/PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital, founded in 1813, is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents...

from: - 9 days ago

Medical Secretary (Admin Officer Lvl 3) - Fairfield Hospital - Perm FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Prairiewood, Fairfield Hospital | Western Sydney

Fairfield hospital is located in one of NSW’s largest LGA’s and is a hub of diverse cultures, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. This brings a range of experiences to hospital employees and provides...

from: - 9 days ago

Registrar, Braeside Hospital  

HammondCare - Prairiewood, Braeside Hospital | Western Sydney

Free independent, confidential counselling services, wellbeing resources and webinars available through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for you and your family. HammondCare is committed to creating...

from: - 2 days ago

Administration Officer (Level 2) - Liverpool Perioperative Unit - Perm PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital, founded in 1813, is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents...

from: - 16 days ago

Administration Officer (Lvl 2) - Liverpool Theatres - Perm PT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Liverpool Hospital, founded in 1813, is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents... $32.30 - $33.37 per hour

from: - 16 days ago

Clinic Support Officer (Admin Off Lvl 3) - Oncology - Perm FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

Working in a frontline capacity in Cancer Services, you will be a skilled administrative officer who has impeccable accuracy and attention to detail. You will have extensive interaction with patients...

from: - 16 days ago

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