Surgical Specialist Jobs in Newcastle

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Registered Nurse - Surgical  

Healthscope - Newcastle Area, NSW, AU (+1 location)

You'll be based on our specialty surgical ward that covers predominantly Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery and Bariatrics; however you'll also have the ability to pick up shifts across the other surgical ward... 35.46 - 49.79

from: - 17 days ago

Registered Nurse - Healthscope  

Healthscope - Newcastle Area, NSW, AU

You'll be based on our specialty surgical ward that covers predominantly Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery and Bariatrics; however you'll also have the ability to pick up shifts across the other surgical ward... 35.46 - 49.79

from: - 17 days ago

Registered Nurse - Targeted  

Hunter New England Local Health District - New Lambton, John Hunter Hospital | Hunter

Whilst this position is open to all individuals, it is targeted to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people under section 21 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander...

from: - Yesterday

Nursing - General Medical & Surgical - Healthscope  

Healthscope - Newcastle Area, NSW, AU

You'll be based on our specialty surgical ward that covers predominantly Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery and Bariatrics; however you'll also have the ability to pick up shifts across the other surgical ward... 35.46 - 49.79

from: - 17 days ago

Nursing - Midwifery, Neo-Natal, SCN & NICU - Healthscope  

Healthscope - 2320 Maitland, NSW, AU

You’ll be based on our specialty surgical ward that covers predominantly Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery and Bariatrics; however you'll also have the ability to pick up shifts across the other surgical ward...

from: - 10 days ago

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