Domestic Violence Jobs in Parramatta

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New Street Counsellor (Social Worker/Psychologist)  

Western Sydney Local Health District - North Parramatta, Cumberland Hospital | Western Sydney

Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) is responsible for providing primary and secondary health care for people living in the Auburn, Blacktown, and The Hills Shire, Cumberland and Parramatta Local...

from: - Yesterday

Female Domestic Violence Counsellor (Social Worker Level 3, Psychologist or Clinical Psychologist)  

Sydney Local Health District - Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney

In this role, you are expected to provide a specialist trauma-informed counselling and/or case management response to women who are impacted by domestic violence, in order to increase safety, well-being...

from: - 8 days ago


CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay - 2060 North Sydney, NSW, AU

At CatholicCare, we are seeking a Crisis Case Worker - Domestic Violence Response Enhancement (DVRE) to join our dedicated team in providing business hours crisis case management support to women and families...

from: - 7 days ago

Senior Social Worker (Lvl 3) - Emergency Department - Perm PT/FT  

South Western Sydney Local Health District - Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney

This position will suit skilled Social Workers looking to job share and work flexible evening hours from 4:30pm to 11:00pm in the Emergency Department, alongside Emergency Department Medical and Nursing...

from: - Yesterday

Registered Psychologists / Accredited Mental Health Social Workers  

flourish Australia - 2154 Castle Hill, NSW, AU

headspace works from an early intervention and prevention framework with young people and their families who have emerging mental health issues. We deliver four core services which include general health...

from: - 9 days ago

Counsellor - Relationship and Family  

CatholicCare Sydney - 2049 Lewisham, NSW, AU

This position is to provide counselling to individuals, couples, families and children, to support clients to address issues which impact their wellbeing and their ability to maintain safe and enriching...

from: - 3 days ago

Social Worker Level 1/2  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Blacktown, Blacktown Hospital | Western Sydney

Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) provides essential health care services to diverse communities across western Sydney. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality care and improving health...

from: - Yesterday

DFV Intake Officer  

SSI Australia - 2165 Fairfield, NSW, AU

Work within within SSI’s NSW Multicultural Centre for Women’s and Family Safety (the Adira Centre) which which provides culturally responsive support to migrant and refugee women and children impacted...

from: - 3 days ago

Counsellor – Carers Counselling Service  

CatholicCare Sydney - 2049 Lewisham, NSW, AU

As our program continues to grow, we are excited to expand our team of experienced Counsellors. In this vital role, you will provide empathic, person-centred telephone counselling to support carers navigating...

from: - 10 days ago

Community Development Counsellor  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Blacktown, Blacktown - Community Health Centre | Western Sydney

Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) is responsible for providing primary and secondary health care for people living in the Auburn, Blacktown, and The Hills Shire, Cumberland and Parramatta Local...

from: - Yesterday

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Domestic Violence in Parramatta