Visual Arts Program Jobs

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Visual Arts/Textiles Team Leader (Pathways Program)  

Darwin, City of Darwin, Australia

We are looking for someone who is passionate and experienced in supporting people with disabilities, with a strong work ethic and the ability to build positive working relationships with participants and...

from: - 4 days ago

Whole School Professional Growth Leader - Eltham High School  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

SC1 Demonstrated expert knowledge of the relevant curriculum and ability to lead and manage the implementation of school priorities, including the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum...

from: - Yesterday

Classroom Teacher - English 7-10  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

The College has become a high performing school by implementing an instructional model based on research from McREL, Marzano Institute and Learning Horizons. This has led to improvements in student outcomes...

from: - Yesterday

Leading Teacher Range 3  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

SC5 Demonstrated ability to model behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values and support colleagues to adopt these behaviours and attitudes. Demonstrated ability to reflect upon their own...

from: - 2 days ago

Classroom Teacher  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Student wellbeing is a high priority where every person involved in Roxburgh Park Primary School has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role they play individually and collectively...

from: - 2 days ago

Maintenance/Grounds Manager Level 1-Range 3  

Morwell, Warragul, Victoria, Victoria, Australia

The provision of business management responsibilities becomes a feature at range 3. Management of staff to achieve the expected outcomes is a key responsibility. Staff management issues will be resolved...

from: - Yesterday

Generalist Classroom Teacher - Time fraction negotiable  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Wyndham Park Primary School places a strong emphasis on Social and Emotional Learning through our Respectful Relationships curriculum and targeted support interventions. Our dedicated Wellbeing Team includes...

from: - 3 days ago

Student Involvment  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

We are looking for an energetic, innovative and highly creative teacher who is keen to work with a team of teachers to provide a sound, innovative and highly authentic curriculum. The successful applicant...

from: - 2 days ago

Art Technician - Ed Support Level 1-Range 2  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Specific support tasks to achieve outcomes. Typically, this will involve accountability for a single function, (e.g. ensuring data is properly maintained) or the co-ordination of a work area under the...

from: - 2 days ago

Generalist Classroom Teacher - Time fraction negotiable  

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

SC5 Demonstrated behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated experience in reflecting upon practice and engaging in professional learning to continually improve the quality...

from: - 3 days ago

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Visual Arts Program