Clinical Services Jobs in Westmead

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The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network - Westmead, The Childrens Hospital at Westmead | Western Sydney

The clinician will also provide clinical psychology services, including comprehensive family and individual assessment, case formulation, treatment planning, referral to local treatment services, or ongoing... 109247 - 133156 full time equivalent base salary range (excludes super, leave loading and salary packaging)

from: - Yesterday

Chronic Illness Peer Support Coordinator  

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network - Westmead, The Childrens Hospital at Westmead | Western Sydney

•Empowering and promoting the holistic health-care needs of young people, supporting them to optimise their health and wellbeing through self-management, developing independence and enhancing health literacy... 109247 - 133156 full time equivalent base salary range (excludes super, leave loading and salary packaging)

from: - Yesterday

General Practitioner - Private Practitioner  

flourish Australia - 2150 Parramatta, NSW, AU

We are a bulk-billing psychology practice that provides tele-health & onsite services. As a contracted role - we offer a flat rate that is highly competitive, despite being a bulk billing service. You...

from: - 7 days ago

Discharge Patient Flow Concierge Officer  

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network - Westmead, The Childrens Hospital at Westmead | Western Sydney

The Discharge Patient Flow Concierge Officer is responsible for supporting administrative processes for discharge planning and assists patients and their families with the process of leaving hospital and... 76125.92 - 77852.51 full time equivalent base salary range (excludes super, leave loading and salary packaging)

from: - Yesterday

Clinical Intake Registered Nurse – Hospital in the Home  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Demonstrated ability to work within a collaborative team environment with a focus on delivering organised and prioritised health care, in order to achieve the most effective and efficient outcomes for...

from: - Yesterday

Mental Health Nurse Practitioner | Medicare Mental Health Centre  

Stride - 2150 Parramatta, NSW, AU

Registration as a Nurse Practitioner (endorsed Mental Health) with the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 with a current annual practicing certificate from the Australian Health Practitioner...

from: - 7 days ago

Clinical support officer HiTH  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including accurate spelling, good comprehension, confidence in the spoken word and ability to deal confidently and courteously with people at all levels...

from: - Yesterday

Advanced Trainee  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Advanced independent clinical skills and judgement, with the ability to make sound decisions and problem solve with an awareness of limitations and ability to learn independently and modify behaviour accordingly...

from: - Yesterday

FT/PT Physiotherapist - Aged care/flexible hours - Western Sydney, NSW  

HealthcareLink Support - Parramatta & Western Suburbs NSW

Communicating with a greater team of allied health professionals and medical practitioners to coordinate effective courses of treatments Conducting comprehensive clinical assessments under ANACC Graduate...

from: - 10 days ago

Level 3 Social Work Team Leader, Acute Geriatrics  

Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney

Demonstrated high level clinical experience in aged care social work services with an understanding of age related illnesses, Elder abuse, Guardianship matters, NDIS matters, grief and bereavement, accommodation...

from: - 8 days ago

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